Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So over the past few years ya'll have asked me many questions about budgeting and finances. After all...It's what I do! At first I would normally sit and think why in the world would this person asking me of all people? After all managing your finances is natural right? Wrong. Last month I got a chance to attend a Dave Ramsey seminar just to see if I can pick up on things for myself. What I found out is there are more people in financial disarray then I ever thought imaginable! So with that being said, I wanted to touch on a few things people need to understand about Money and Finances before I get going on everything else.

First things first....you need FOCUS! What do I mean by FOCUS you ask? I mean you will need to be committed to doing better.(Those of you that don't know what commitment is I can't help, fyi). Folks pay more attention to their club outfit, what they are driving, or what someone else is driving more than they do their own pockets. So first things first...you need FOCUS...OK..Goood!

My second tip to get your finances back on track is to WRITE IT DOWN! That's right...write it down ya'll. The same way a personal trainer would tell you to do if you are trying to loose weight. I need you to WRITE IT DOWN! Consider your money Calories and the less calories you eat or spend, the more financial shape you will be in! Makes sense right? So Write IT Down! Keep track of your spending daily all the way to the last penny! I need ya'll to see what areas you can cut back on and what better way to see that then to see it glaring in your face? So WRITE IT DOWN!

The Third tip I will share, is to USE CASH when going out! HUH you say? You heard me...Use cash! I realize some of you want to be balla's or gotta floss in your new outfit that you just bought to look cute in but LEAVE YOUR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD IN THE CAR. It is real easy to be out and about at the bar and after you downed a couple drinks you've bought the homies and the Hoes a round of drinks also. Before you know it, you get the bar tab and it's waaay over what you wanted to spend, but you were having fun so Fuk it right....GTFOHWTBS....Son! You spent all that dough and you still going home alone watching Pastor Kerney Thomas on late night BET...Chillin like a mug!(Some of ya'll may get that reference...so tell your friends).

OK...So those are Three pretty strong tips on Finances that I recommend for everyone. Do I use all those tips personally? Nope, but I'm not the one that is broke...YOU ARE...so GTFOHWTBS....SON! HA! However, I have in the past used each of these techniques. There are more, but I've decided I should sell my knowledge or share them on a one on one basis!

Believe it or not I'm jammin once again to my main man James Taylor's "Whenever I see your smiling face." Loves that song man! I remember those days or shall I say love that feeling of as soon as you see someone your face lights up? Come on yall...I know someone out there feels what I'm saying...Right...Anybody? Buehler? Buehler?.....Sigh. The fact is, LOVE is hard...no longer can you give someone your heart on a piece of paper with a check box that says "Do you like me, YES OR NO." Now a days you have to find out their family history, sex history, Job history, financial history, make sure they have a nice booty, a fat ass, clean criminal record, good parenting skills, not to crazy, decent bone structure, intellectual ability, some type of education, drive, spirituality of matching sorts, do you like their friends, act like a lady but think like a man, caring, kind, independent or dependent depending on who you are, can cook or clean or got enough money to get a maid, Not a gold digger, Trustworthy,...as I take a breath...Should I say more? I'll stop right there...Geez! Let me put that James Taylor on Repeat! I loves when he hit's that High Note! Gotta try that for a Kareoke song! LOL...Ok...Ya'll, I'll give myself a GTFOHWTBS....Son!!

I've been asked many times why I'm not married. The fact is if I wanted to be I'm pretty sure I could be but I can't nor will I ever get married just because it's that "time." The same security that you want to feel with me I want to feel with you! I wanna have that trust in you that you won't lead me wrong and that your eyes are for me. Many women I've been in contact with want that from the guy but they don't offer that back to their man! I can hear some of ya'll sucking your teeth right now but I know when many of ya'll are having issues with your man cuz I start getting text messages and calls when I haven't heard from you in years. Relationships won't always be good Ya'll and many times you are going to disagree! You can't tell me what HE ain't doing right when you in taking that all natural protein drink that you get from one source!(If you don't know ask me by email and I will share). GTFOHWTBS....SON!

In closing, If you see me out and about...give me a big ole smile cuz you never know when I'll see your smiling face again! I'll promise to give you a smile back!

Enjoy Turkey Day folks and More so the time with your family! After all, no mater how dysfunctional we all are....we only get one family!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Poke me! No really...go on Facebook and Poke me! If you are my friend you will do it. Maybe I'll poke you back! I think out of all the features in the phenomenon we call Facebook that is the only Accessory that I don't understand...So poke me...Please!

Some, well probably all of you have asked me why or how I come up with my blogs. Intro explanation! Well, I write my blog entries every day. Ha...Not physically putting a pen to the pad, or even typing anything, but my mind is taking notes on each of my daily interactions. This way I can blog the way I enjoy, which is once I start writing, I cannot save and come back another day. Everything has to be finished in one sitting. That way I won't forget a thing. So basically what I'm saying is that in one way or the other, all of ya'll are apart of my blog whether it from a conversation we had or any other interactions.

With that being said, it is 5:43am and I can't sleep. Why? Well that's how it is when I have thoughts in my head. Since I've started back(yes started back) writing I know exactly when It's time for a blog. Usually every dream, daydream or thought in my head is a paragraph and eventually if I don't let it all out, my night is shot...so hear I am.

As ya'll can see....well I think most of ya'll can read, the title of my blog is The Social Experiment...Networking that is! Communication, Technology, and just the ways we interact with each other. These days it's almost like we can physically live in each others lives with the click of a button. And most of us do! I mean where else can I keep up with my old classmates that I haven't seen in over 15 years, find an old boo, or keep up with the crazy times that my friends are having in different cities all in the span of 5 minutes? Crazy isn't it! Though it sounds fun...and I could dive into that topic deeper, that's not really what my Social Experiment is about. For ya'll that don't know....this is my blog...so obviously it's about me...DUUUHHHHH!! Geez people...Get with the program.

The Social Experiment is about my daily interactions with folks and my opinions, thoughts, and beliefs. When I was a young lad, one of the goals I had was to get money and bitches. I think it's something most young men want in life. Yes women...all men, and don't let them fool you in telling you otherwise. They may want cars and some may want to be the smartest human beings, but in the end they want money and bitches... cuz after all as men...that's what makes us tick. The only problem with all of that is I had to figure out how to get all of that. I mean it sounds simple enough right? But where's the blue print(reference Jay-z=Money+Bitches)!! Now before I go any further let me use the sensitivity training I've learned and state that the use of the word "bitches" is to bring an urban slang to the blog that will be discussed later. Now...back to the regularly scheduled broadcast...where was I...Oh yeah...Money and Bitches! So as I was young the only thing we knew to do was observe what was around me and talk to the folks I knew to get knowledge! The Key to all things! So you would think the first person I would talk to would be my Pops wouldn't you? Well my pops was married and to all intensive purposes, didn't have money! I mean yeah he did, but not the Luchini I was looking for a that time...And he had 3 crumb Snatchers as he called us! As I grew older I realized what he meant...we ate more than just the crumbs!! Anyways who do I turn to? I chose a variety of things...Folks in the neighborhood, TV, Magazines and eventually peers of my own! Some had money! And some had...yup...Bitches! Stay with me ya'll.

Did I tell ya'll I was a rather corny kid? I mean not that I was goofy or anything, but I used to shy up a bit around women and not till I got to college did I find my true "swag" if that's what you want to call it. I think I did if you read any of my previous blogs. So how did all of my networking pieces...TV, Magazines, and others affect my life? Well, though as I mentioned, my pops didn't have money and he was married, but he was a big part of my life...After all him and my mom were married for 39 years and I'm 35! So the honest to God truth is that every girlfriend I've had over my lifetime I would not of made them my titled "Girlfriend" unless I could see myself marrying them. It's true folks, and still true today! I know it's hard for some of you serial relationship whores to understand, but it's what I feel. Otherwise why would I do what you wanted me to do or make any sacrifices for you? That's right...I wouldn't. As a matter of fact it still pains me that the relationships I've been in didn't work. Don't get your panties in a bunch because it's not that I really give a damn about what you are doing now, but It hurts me when a relationship doesn't work whether given a title or not. There's a lot of time and energy spent and getting to know each other sucks when you are not with that person any longer.

TV, Magazines and the Radio...you can only imagine what I've learned from the media right??...I mean with all the sex tapes that have leaked, Cell phone pics of naked women or just they way the word "Bitch" has come into play....It's shaped my life tremendously. I can remember as I believe I mentioned before when I was young and bought the new Slick Rick tape(Cassette Tape young folks...Look it up)! My mother and father were in the car and wanted to hear what Mr.Slick Rick was all about! Naturally she and my Pops were Furious when they heard the cursing and was going to make me take it back to the store! Luckily for me they chose to talk to me about what was on the tape. I can remember my father asking me the question, "Son, what would you do if someone called your momma a bitch?" My response..."Pops, I'd punch'em in the face cuz my momma ain't a bitch! But there momma might be!" The only thing he could do was shake his head. See folks my theory is that as guys we still think the same throughout life as we did when we were 12 to 13! Seriously...Ask a guy that question...the only difference is that we are more aware of the consequences of our actions so sometimes we choose not to act on them.

Sigh....The last group of "Networking" that we all come in contact with is our peers. Now I could write a book on how basically everyone has shaped my life, but it's been done many times before me. Ya'll I got friends that get money...some that get bitches, but none that really do both....Maybe there's something to that statement! So read it again! I think it's profound because though the two can co-exist, one can and usually WILL hinder the other. Either way I've learned a lot. Some disheartening. I never understood why one of my gf's always wanted a thug...Thugs don't go to school and work legal jobs! I could never figure out why I had to snap on a bitch for her to respect me? I mean really? It always puzzled me why a chick could be out sport fukin everyone and then meet me and want me to date them! I sit and think sometimes why women think me and my friends DON'T communicate about who we've been with and try to play the both of us? And it's always interesting to see folks getting married just because it's Time? What's that all about? I could go on and on but I think you get my drift of what I mean hear. We are all different and were raised in different ways and in many ways each day have our own social experiments going on. Some of ya'll hopefully have learned from past mistakes and some of yall have yet to see the light.

Fortunately this blog topic is an ongoing experiment and I hope it to continue for many many years. Oh and I no longer wish for Money and Bitches as I've learned how to make money and "Bitches" are worthless. A woman is what a man needs.

Now before I go I will say this. I've been blessed and I know this. I can't say I'm the most religious person in the world, but I do feel there is more to life then we know. Last year at this time I had a conversation with one of my buddies that has sense passed on and we spoke about the Lord. Was a strange conversation, but I was in an empty place in my life. Not saying I didn't have "Stuff," but I felt like there was more...I felt alone. Well after a year later maybe I'm paying attention. Not saying I'm gung ho, but It has caught my attention a little more.

Anyways, What is your Social networking experience?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


What's up everyone. It's been a long time since you heard a Peep from me. For those of you that know me know it's been a more than challenging year. I lost my father in March and one of my best friends in May, so needless to say a lot has been going on. With that being said there were times where I didn't want to blog again because I felt like I was letting to many people in my life and at other times I needed to let the thoughts outta my head. As you can see what I eventually chose.

So Just to recap things and also make changes, usually I pick a certain topic and discuss it throughout the blog. I make my writings fairly short and vague to open it up for commentary and at the end I say hate it or hype it! Well scratch all that. It's been a long time since I've written, a lot of changes have happened and frankly I'm writing for my benefit. So if you don't mind a few curse words and have an open mind...Enjoy....Cuz I GO HARD IN THE INK! (pronounced ANK...for all you non Rap folks. Reference Wacka Flacka)

First topic of discussion is Ahhh yes! LIL WEEZY is getting out of Jail tomorrow. It's a national Black holiday! For all y'all that don't know, every black person gets to skip work, smoke some trees, and pop bottles all day tomorrow. OK, now for all those that live in reality, why do we celebrate the activities of ignorance??!! I mean don't get me wrong, I'll pump a lil T.I, Laugh with Gucci, and bob my head to the lyrical genius of Lil Wayne, but when did it become "cool" to be a drug addict? A Criminal? A Thug? Furthermore, why is it that rich kids want to act like they don't have money and run the streets? Where I'm from (the country for everyone that don't already know) we did dirt because we wanted to eat good, dress good, ride in the fly rides and get girls. I don't understand how you go to a life of crime when you are born with those things basically in your own crib? Makes no sense at all! As I'm typing this blog I received a message from my homie telling me how a lady he was talking to shared how her daughter doesn't go for the Rapper/Entertainers, but she likes the Professional Ball Players. :( Can you say who is the stupider (yes I said stupider) the mom or the daughter! Fact is if you act like a ho you gonna get treated like one! Fellas...If a chick tells you she screwed or wanted to screw a guy because of who he was...Watch out...there's a pattern there! Beware! Ok enough about that because that would be a hater move. Just be who you are...don't get mad when you get treated like you are acting. The worst thing in the world for a guy is to have his Daughter or Niece be a complete jerk off for some dude that don't give a fuk.

Moving along...why is America such a Microwave society? Come'On Man! This election is killing me! Did you really think Obama could make a difference in 2 years? It takes longer than that and the folks that voted him in Failed him in the mid-term, which are just as much if not more important for "change." It takes a year to get the folks you want in office and the second year you are trying to pass new legislation that the other folks just dick around with keeping Bills from Passing. So my question is this? For the folks that make under say $70,000 a year, why didn't you go out and vote? The fact of the matter is that it affects you more because programs will be cut,you will be taxed higher, school programs will become non existent, and furthermore you will be directly affected by the Health Insurance Bill. I don't understand what folks are thinking? And even more so, Sarah Palin? Really? The direction the USA is going in doesn't have a positive outlook!

Overall I believe Humans have their priorities all messed up! We are worried to much about other peoples reality, and not enough about our own. When are we going to recognize that we are not that HOT! We all have faults, but we must improve? I know I have my own issues, but I'll be damned if I'm going to worry about someone elses before I deal with my own! The fact is we love to see a train wreck! So when we tune into Discovery Health and see the 700lb man or look at the Kardashians to see who's screwing who, we love it. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy these things...Just saying WAAAAAKKKKEEEE UUUUPPPPP....like Spike Lee.(Everyone doesn't get that reference!)