WOOOOW is all I can say! Ya'll really showed me Love with the last Blog(No Pun Intended). NOW I don't know if I'll be able to get as much interest in future topics as I did with the love blog, but Hey...Remember "It's My World" right!! What I will promise you is that I will strive to be insightfully witty and top it off with a sense of humor! A lot of you have been emailing me or telling me I should talk about this topic or that topic and I appreciate it! However, you have to realize that I write on MY experiences of Past, Present, and Future. With that being said, If anyone brings up a topic and I have experienced it or may in the future...Let me know and I may allow it into "MY WORLD." Now I must fess up and admit that I am writing this blog topic a week earlier than when I plan on publishing it because the thoughts were racing in my mind so much that I had to start writing!
So with out further adu...the blog topic for this week is H-O-M-E-C-O-M-I-N-G! It's HOMECOMING YA'LL!! Or Was Rather!
This is the Time of year where EVERYONE lets loose! Even if you didn't go to College, you are at someone's "Official" Homecoming party, or stepshow, or just chillin on
You see Homecoming time is where reality resembles ART!! I'll tell you how! Homecoming is where you may use Music titles as your motivation like Pretty Ricky's "We Gon Get Tipsy," or maybe you are a professional like Gucci and your motto is "Wasted,"(One of my Favorites!)...Party Party Party lets all get WAYSTED!! HAAA! Homecoming Ya'll...aaahhhh Yes...It's Homecoming! This is the time where the most popular person in your school is a chick named BECKY! A few of ya'll get my reference!Those of you that don't...ask the ones that do! HAA...It's Homecoming Ya'll. H-O-M-E-C-O-M-I-N-G!!
So hear we have it everyone! Homecoming! What do you guys love about Homecoming? I know I used to hit everyone's homecoming each year! If there was a hype party, I was paying my money to go or finding the Hook up to be there! I mean really, we are all related somehow! I would crash a Homecoming like Tupac and Ms.Jackson crashed that cookout in Poetic Justice!! HOMECOMING It's Homecoming Ya'll!
Ok Folks this is where I end my blog, so if you would, share some of your favorite Homecoming memories, or let me know why you Love Homecoming!
And as always, If you Hype what I'm saying...let me know...If you Hatin on what I'm saying...Let me know. Either way it doesn't really matter because "It's My World....Ya'll Just Live In It!
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