So I'm sure when you seen the title of this note it got a few panties and underwear in a bunch! Well stop!! This phrase is something that I have said since I was a small kid after watching Scarface. I think most of you know the phrase "The world is mine." Well this is my rendition and also the begining of my Blog on Facebook!
Now I'm sure you are asking, Stacy, what will this blog consist of! Well Shut up for a moment and I'm about to tell you! In this blog I will discuss basically my world as I see it! Some of you may be able to relate to what I'm saying, and some of you will have no clue! Doesn't matter...It's my world remember! LOL. I wanted to start this because folks were always coming up to me saying how they like to read my comments or how they laugh at some of the stuff I post. This Blog will act as a creative tool to express my thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions on various things in my life! If you like it let me know or if you Hatin on it let me know...doesn't matter either way because HEY.....It's my just live in it! So without Further adu...My first topic of my Blog!!....THE AIRPORT~~~
Some of you out there probably know that I frequent the airport quite a bit! It's kind of a neccessary evil that you have to go through these days to get from Point "A" to destination "B" the fastest. I will try my best to journal the trip to the airport in so many words.
First of all I try my damndest not to have a flight before 8:00am. Those early morning flights mess your sleep all up! And GOD knows it's hard for me to cram my Big Ass in those tiny seats! Kinda like sticking your.....ok ok i'll keep it clean!~ Anyways, the first leg of "The Airport" is getting there! I usually try to arrive no latter than an hour or 45 minutes before my flight! But what does it take to get there!
The funny thing about traveling is that you can never really pack enough! It could be a day trip and folks will pack enough for a WEEK. I know I know, I'm guilty as well. We try to pack the day before(night rather) thinking we are going to be ahead of the curve, only to be throwing more stuff in our bags or switching out outfits in anticipation af a great party! So after we cram everything in our bags we are off to "The Airport."
Usually it takes me no longer than 10 minutes from my crib to get there since I live so close but I take the shuttle instead of riding around looking for parking in the deck, and it's less expensive. Now the Shuttle is a beast of it's own because it's like Forest Gumps moma once said..."you never know what you gonna get." A lot of times when I'm on the shuttle you see various types of people...hey you may even see some folks you know! However, usually there are a few classes of people. You get the Business Traveler! They are usualy to caught up in their BlackBerries to even look you in the eye or even speak. You sometimes get the Vacationer!! These folks can't shut up! They tell you why they are on Vacation, who they are going on vacation with, and even show you pics of their kids they left at home to go on Vacation! And last but not least you get the Casual Traveler. These guys are pretty cool. They are usually in a rush but you feel sorry for them because they probably forgot their Keys in the car, or phone or something because they are in a rush! They also just need a little direction in the security lines which gives me my next segway!
SECURITY!! We all want it...But we also dread it! There is nothing worse than getting to the airport only to see the security line wrapped around the building!~! At this point, the Decision time begins! Do I choose the "casual traveler" line or do I go for the "Business Traveler" line...I mean after all I am a Business man right! Hmmmm...I take a little more thought to it! Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to go for the shorter line, but if the lines are equal I look for a few things...Kids, the Elderly(Grandma and Grandpa), and folks that look like they are from my home town(The Country) are KEYS for me to stay out their line! They Take FOREVER! As for the business class line, I usually try to look at the bags they are carrying. If It looks like there's a technical convention going on! I will gladly pass and be the "casual traveler."
The next part of security is after you have waited in line for who knows how long is finally getting to the TSA counter for them to check your ID. These folks have no personality and they look at you as if you are the next person to try and destroy America! HEY..I'm Black...we don't do that stuff! LOL... If you are smart you shoot them a big smile give them the ID and Ticket that they need and keep it moving to the dreaded Security scan! Here is where you can really loose it! The smell of feet and the clanging and beeping of the machines...Oh and don't for get the guy yelling "Please pull out your laptops and place it in the bins! Please throw your water away because it will not be permited pass security." Usually at this time you will see folks Chugging water as if they were at a College Frat house or others thinking they are slick and try to look for hidden pockets in their coats to get it past security. You can tell a lot about folks when they are in the security lines! So here it is, now it's your time to grab a bin! You try to grab at least 3 because you know your shoes, liquids of 3oz(that dime bag you had to carry), Laptop, coats, belts, wallet, keys, phone....and whatever else you may cary has to go through the screening. You get to the screener and send everything through only to get a loud "BEEP....BAG CHECK!! You look over and be like WTF...that's my bag! Shi....!! Mutha....!! Comes to find out you put your shoes in the bins when they changed the Rules! Ugh could you of told me...Now I have to sit in the chair why some strange lady rubs her hands up and down my spine with a magic wand!(Too bad she's not even close to being Cute!) So after you've been slightly violated you have to scramble and grab all the stuff you put into the screener and Hope no one takes one of your bags or coats by mistake. Hell I just want folks to get out of my way so i can get dressed! But hey, the good knews is that you are home free! You just hope your Checked bags make it to it's proper destination, but there is not time for thinking about that. You are in a rush, only to look at the Departures and see that your flight has been Delayed! Well I'll Be Damn!! oh well....that's "THE AIRPORT"!!
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