Hey Yall!! As usual, I appreciate the feedback I've been getting from my previous blogs. Your insight and understanding of my writings drive me to find more stuff in my world to write about. Some of you have been commenting on my grammatical errors so I figure I'd address that issue. Just to let you all know, I try to use decent punctuation, but I'm not worried about the grammar. My sole purpose of my blogs are to write as if I'm speaking directly towards you in a laid back casual atmosphere. I realize it is hard for some of you overly analytical folks to understand, but who cares...It's my world! So Sit Back and enjoy! :D
At first I was planning on writing a Thank You Blog Highlighting all the folks that has "Hyped" me in my life or driven me to push harder because they were "Hatin" on my skills. However, After my last blog I've had many conversations on this next topic that could not be ignored any longer! So If I've had conversations with you on this topic, realize I'm not singling you out because you are not the only one that shared your views.
So without further adu(yes I know adieu. LOL)....Today's Blog topic is....MARRIAGE!
Now Let me start off first and say I am a firm Proponent of Marriage! After all I am the seed of a Marriage that has lasted 39 year this coming January 10th. My parents union has given me the benchmark for which my relationships exist today! However for all that is good, there is always a bad...the what if...the how bout if this happens! One thing about my parents is that from what I could tell, they never held much back! I mean I'm sure there was more to it then what I'm aware of but like the Poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes...Life has been no crystal stair(I know because I'm the person that they talk to about their issues with one another)! But at the end of the day...after 39 years, they are still together.
So with that being said I wanted to talk about what I see in My World, and how I feel about marriage. I'll start by saying this...Just like College, Marriage isn't for everyone! Though I'm Not Married and have never been close to being married, I don't feel that everyone should be joined in a union. It's My Opinion so don't judge me! Many women out there are so engulfed with the thought of walking down that Isle that they fail to realize that the guy they are laying down with probably isn't trying to marry you, or they are just NOT the best person for you. But you want to be married sooo bad that you do anything and everything to get to that point.
Men! Some of ya'll stick with chicks because your girl is a stone cold freak and her "Becky" is out of this world! You look past the fact that she hits the club with her friends every weekend partying till 3-4am even though the club closes at 2. Now there's nothing wrong with hittin the club, but every weekend? Really? You are just a jump-off with a title huh?
The point I'm getting at on this topic of Marriage is that if marriage is what you are looking for, are you making yourself a desirable product?! And are you at the state in your life where you yourself are good Marriage Potential(Don't Lie)? Most of us aren't! What perception do folks have of you? What Perception do you have of yourself? Have you talked to your partner about the "What if's." What happens if we are Not together? What happens if we have kids? What happens if you cheat on me?...You get my drift! I'm a firm believer that in any type of relationship, it is just as important to talk about the bad as it is to talk about the good. The fact is there are no Guarantees in life and just like Hurricane Katrina...your life can be turned upside down at the blink of an eye! And there you sit lonely and heartbroken because you never thought it would happen to you!
I'll sum everything up by adding some stats for my analytical folks out there because as we have been well versed on, "Men Lie, Women Lie, but Numbers don't Lie!" Commitments and Confirmations before GOD are broken on a rapid pace! Have you discussed your requirements? My guess is Not!!
So as Usual, Hype it or Hate it...Really doesn't matter because it's My World...Ya'll Just Live In It.
Check out http://www.bgsu.edu/downloads/cas/file35757.pdf. This document breaks down divorce rates by race.
Age at marriage for those who divorce in America Age Women Men
Women Men
Under 20 years old 27.6% 11.7%
20 to 24 years old 36.6% 38.8%
25 to 29 years old 16.4% 22.3%
30 to 34 years old 8.5% 11.6%
35 to 39 years old 5.1% 6.5%
The divorce rate in America for first marriage, vs second or third marriage
50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.”
According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
The divorce rate in America for childless couples and couples with children
According to discovery channel, couples with children have a slightly lower rate of divorce than childless couples.
Sociologists believe that childlessness is also a common cause of divorce. The absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness and even in the United States, at least 66 per cent of all divorced couples are childless.