I am soooo tired of seeing the videos or reading the articles about black women that have this and that and can't find a mate! Fact is many of ya'll have spent so much time building your careers that you never took the time to pay any attention to the guy that wanted to be in your lives early on. Also, in one of the videos one of the women mentioned they no longer wanted to be the "back pocket girl." Hmmmmm...but I guarantee these women keep a "buddy" around! Hypocrites! As a matter of fact, many women talk like they want something, but there actions say something totally different!
So with that being said...I'm going to say so what! As a successful black man I sit here and wishing I could pollinate each and everyone of you but I can't. I don't care if you are a Doctor, a Lawyer, or a Social worker! Doesn't matter to me because what myself and most successful black men are looking for is someone that has a drive, a passion, Personality, and their supreme talents. We want you to be our best friends.
NOTE: Not once did I mention what degree you got, car you drive, or where you live. I've always said Most women are Groupies and that's what they look for when they meet a guy. As a matter of fact, most women will only hover in circles where the men there will only fit certain financial qualities.
I'm not Married so I'm tired of sounding like a relationship specialist in these blogs(which I'm not!) so I will move on!
A New Year is upon us! And just like always, I sing the blues to the song of life! For thru the sorrows, the pains, and the Joys, I move on. With my head held high and my feet moving forward! I move! Through the many smiles and emotions, through the lies and deceit, I run! Another Road Not Taken I go! Where it stops...Hmph(you got it) No one knows! But I do know this! As long as blood beats through my veins and my brain is common enough to have sense! I will make it! I will continue to succeed! And to those that want join my journey I will act as YOUR disciple, but I shall not allow a kiss of death! Together we will Progress! Together we will Stand...And as We walk through the Valley of the shadow of death we FEAR NO EVIL, So that in the end WE will walk and take our place in the Light of Resurrection, AMEN
Just a quick poem I just wrote to leave with ya'll. Hope you like it! But you know how I feel if you don't! :)
Can't leave without my tag line so as always, Hype it if you like what I say, Hate on it if you don't...But always remember..."It's My World...Ya'll Just Live In It."
Wishing each of you Love, Happiness, and Strength in your Journeys! Oh...almost forgot! I guess I have to do a rhyme for 2010...sooo...Lets Get it in for 2010!! hahahaha...enjoy Ya'll!