Had I started this blog a couple weeks ago like I had planned, it would of been a totally different topic. Those of you that I mentioned the topic to earlier are probably shocked as you read the title! My response...that's why I usually try not to even mention my blog until it comes out. It may change! As it did here! In other words...my bad...Maybe next time.
It seems as some of ya'll enjoy reading what I have to say and I really appreciate it. Some of ya'll always have critiques of my relationship topics...and that's great as well. The point of my blog is to stimulate conversation. Just remember, these are my views! If you don't agree with them, then don't agree! I shall get a good nights sleep and will eat good without thinking about your opinions one way or the other. Let's get real ya'll, nothing you read in my eyes is 100 percent truth! ....I'll let ya'll linger on that for my next blog topic.
With that being said, it's always funny when I have a chance to socialize with my friends. Young professionals and relationship talk is as synonymous as corn flakes and milk! They just go together! And if you don't believe me, try putting water in your corn flakes, doesn't seem right does it?! LOL. People are funny! It always amazes me that we are so similar as women and men, Yet sooooo far apart in our thinking. I truly believe the ultimate goal is to be happy, but I don't feel like we all have the same view of happiness. Makes sens right? Ya'll judging me yet? Well let me give ya'll something to judge me about!
After sitting through some painful relationship conversations I've come up with what I consider a pretty accurate statement...."All men have a CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE IN THEM! Yet all women have a GROUPIE IN THEM AS WELL!." I knew that would hit a nerve, however let me make my point. Ladies, do you ever watch the Real Housewives of WHEREVER and wonder who in the Hell would marry these chicks?! NO? Well let me make it more local to you. Do any of you have girlfriends that got engaged and you thought to yourself...WTH, how on earth did that nasty HOE find someone to marry her? Don't lie! Ya'll don't have to admit your feelings, but I know some of ya'll think it. Hell I've heard women say in order for them to get married they have to become crazy because that's what it seems men like. Well some do! That's right I said it...SOME do. Now lets dig deeper into the subject! Shall we?
My statement was, "All men have a CAPTAIN SAVE A HOE IN THEM! YET ALL WOMEN HAVE A GROUPIE IN THEM AS WELL." Since my references were the RHOW(Real Housewives of wherever) and your triflin ass homegirls that found hubbies, lets stay with that. Similar to the RHOE your homegirls don't have much going for them do they? I mean you might see them as gold diggers or crazy or to mouthy or don't have the degrees you do or the job or they probably don't even have the earning potential if any like you do right! Yet somehow these women were able to find a DUMB ASS male(insert Captain save-a-hoe) to swoop down and marry them! WHyyyyy! Whyyyyy! Whhhyyyyy! I'll tell you why! The same way women tell me they don't feel NEEDED when they are around me. YOU do not make the man feel needed around you! GULP, I said it...go ahead and re-read that statement! I'll wait on you! Ok, now back to the regularly scheduled broadcast. Though your homegirls and the RHOE don't have a pot to piss in without their hubbies(maybe they do but are just not good people), they were able to successfully find a man and tap into his inner CAPTAIN! I'm certain they all or most of them kept themselves fairly together physically, had pretty good social skills(after all, every hoe has to be social), and knew how to play damsel in distress around the right men!(notice I said the right men...doesn't work on every guy[certified captain!]). The men on the other hand, who are quite simple I might add, has the wealth whether newly found or existing sees this beautiful creature and feels the need to shower them with gifts and trips and do all these great things for them! Why you ask? Because if the head right Biggie there ery night! HA... just playin! I had to throw that in my blog somehow...Sorry ya'll.
Ladies! So I don't get crucified with words here let me go into the male psychy! Just like you, we want to feel like we are needed in your life. This "NEED" is different for each Captain(man)! Me personally, I was and still am a momma's boy! She taught me how to do a lot of things for myself and always told me not to depend on someone to do stuff for you that you can do for yourself. For me, if I don't enjoy your company I probably won't have you around to long because you bore me! Some guys I know really tap into the "NEED" factor big time. These guys get the most ass because women love to be around them! The women have an organic feeling of need and can sometimes play a reverse role here. The woman is the captain and the man is the groupie! Hey it works! There are tons of scenarios I can bring up, but in end it's everyone's goal to feel secure! That security could be financially, emotionally, mentally, or a combination of those things! And the man loves to fill that void even if they have to lie. Yup, I said Lie....don't act like it's such a shock...Men lie and women lie! How many times do women tell me how much they care for them and their guy friend is JUST a friend, but yet they are talking sexual to this guy friend, sending them dirty text messages about how they can smack their ass or other naughty things. You are a lie and a fake! Dudes, How many of you use your Captain techniques to manipulate? You are a lie and a fake? Women, when you are at a concert stop acting like a groupie...Yes we know you would screw the lead singer or the drummer,its ok cuz as a guy we want to screw your fine ass homegirl! Stop making it so obvious. Guys and gals be straight up...Stop Fakin and Start communicating!
Now some of ya'll, particularly the ladies are questioning everything I just said but remember I'm working the percentages here and there are always exceptions to the rule. I've always thought that finding a mate is really a difficult thing. I mean if you are a Hall of Fame Baseball player you put the ball into play a measly 30% of the time! OUCH! In life we are ultimately looking for ONE PERSON! Now Marinate on that for a bit! Does that mean we need to get our slugging percentage up?? Dunno, either way we all need that one person you can trust, be secure with, talk to, enjoy their company, and more so be the person that you are willing to endure the good and the bad with. My mom used to tell me if you meet someone that thinks marriage is all roses, stay away, because they are NOT ready to be married. Sometimes you wake up angry, sometimes you go to sleep angry, and sometimes you don't pay them no attention but you work it out!
Hope all of Ya'll have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I look forward in seeing everyone in the new year!
Nicely put both ways:
2) "Some guys I know really tap into the "NEED" factor big time. These guys get the most ass because women love to be around them! The women have an organic feeling of need and can sometimes play a reverse role here. The woman is the captain and the man is the groupie!"
I agree with Monica and your mom gave you some sound advice! You are right about women recognizing that men need to still needed too.