YES, I know it as been a while since we last spoke! But Hey, I figured by this time everyone will have slumped back in to their daily routines and forgot all about your New Years Resolutions! If I'm wrong say "WORD." know I'm right!
Anyways, I've gotten some dirty looks over my last couple blogs but you have to realize, I was sick and tired of all these posts about how bad things are for black women. It's not easy for anyone and furthermore, nothing worthwhile comes easy! That's all I'm going to say about that because today I want to talk about the most important thing in any relationship both business and personal. What is it you ask? Why that's easy...drum roll pulease!.......COMMUNICATION! Or shall I say the understanding of what's being communicated!
I sit here in my office and I think about Tiger Woods, I think about Senator John Edwards, Bill Clinton, some friends of both sexes and co-workers new and old. I think about "situations" that they put themselves in, or myself for that matter and how it all really transpired. And you know what my conclusion was? There was a MAJOR Communication Breakdown, or Lack there of! Let that seep in for a second! Ok now let's discuss! As human beings we are all emotional creatures! We spend our whole lives searching for Love, Happiness, etc. Sometimes we find these NEEDS in our careers, sometimes we find those NEEDS in other People. At any rate, In order to get those things you have to be able to communicate effectively!(Big Problem as most cannot). Even our Great Nations Politicians, whom are supposed to be the best motivators and communicators are full of shit. If you don't believe me, tune into the John Stewart show and watch the debacle! These guys spin more words then the Tea Cups ride at the State fair. But the Scary thing is folks believe them and do exactly what they say. It Truly is an Art form! To lead and Motivate people thru communication! I mean not to offend anyone but I'm about to name a few great communicators...Jesus, the Debil himself, Presidents, and hell Bishop Don Juan the Pimp! Yes, all these folks communicated effectively enough to motivate folks to do what they wanted them to do or believe what they wanted them to believe.
Now let's get down to what ya'll really want to know! In Relationships communication between Men and Women looks Vastly different! Like night and day! I've personally held conversations with young ladies to express how I felt on a subject thinking they totally "GET IT", to only realize either that night or much later that they have not only have no clue, but they totally changed my thought to mean something totally different.(Guys and gals know what I mean on this). But you see Communication is essential! Communication is soooo important that your lively hood truly depends on it! Now as I mentioned, we are all emotional creatures. And these emotions are what clouds how affective we communicate. These emotions are what can lead us to making the right decision...or lead us straight to yup...HELL! To all my business folks, have you ever been talking to a client trying to explain your product or service and you key in on his emotional keys! You know, they lay back and cross their arms, or constantly looking at their watch? Tells you to get to the point right! Of course! But what about personal relationships? Communication here is sooo difficult because no one wants to be the first person to put their feelings out there in the open to be stepped on! Say Word! I mean picture this..You saying I love you baby...and she says Ditto or aw that's sweet or yeah I like you too! But on the flip side, if someone tells you that and you try not to hurt their feelings so you tell them you also Love them! Can you say EW! I'll say it for you...EW!! Personally I don't think what Tiger and all the rest of the folks in the news or not in the news are right, but I can understand the emotion that comes into play! You think Tiger could of went up to Elle and said hey...I want to screw other chicks and I want you to be involved? hmmm...probably not for most folks. However I do know of a few women that have done that for their men and the relationship still didn't work! Fact is sometimes folks just wanna Get it in! Not much you can do about that.
I'm in Sales and I realize that the worst someone can tell you is NO, but that NO still has an affect on your psychy! I'm not a push business man! Nor am I pushy in personal relationships...Either you want my "service" or you don't. But I do expect in both Business and personal for there to be a conversation on why Myself, or my product isn't suitable. This is the time where you can reconfirm why your product or service is the best or if you should try a different brand. At this time is where you can break down the pros and cons. This is where true relationships are made because everything is on the table! I call it the "come to jesus" meeting!
At any rate, after my last blog ya'll thought I was bitter. I don't feel like so, but maybe I am a little. I'm bitter over the fact that relationships in personal and business are hard, but that's the life we choose to live and I've taken more than one TKO(RIP Teddy P).
Since all the women have been sharing what they look for in a man, I'll take a leap and share what I look for in women. not in any particular order.
1. Usually the women I deal with are quite intelligent. Normally have advanced degrees or have been considered to be brainiacs by someone at sometime!(Though advanced degree not a requirement).
2. I LOVE the backside of a woman! Doesn't have to be big either. Like the song verse says "Kit Kat or Midget if that Ass Phat I'll break her off!" Fact is if you are a woman...I have looked at your ass. But most guys have! Just a fact.
3. I can't stand a whiny woman! Sorry ladies...this gets you no where with me.
4. If I fucks with you I could care less what you are wearing out and about! I'm more concerned with you not what you are wearing(in private that's another story).
5. I love good conversation. If I can't talk to you I can't be around you. And you soon will bore me.
6. I do like women that can do for themselves. Independence is cool for me
7. You have to be able to function around different social circles. I have a variety of acquaintances from down right thugs to millionaires. Can you function around both? Are you versatile?
8. Would you be a good parent? Shit if something goes down I can't have you wrecking my nerves!
9. How do I feel when I'm around you? I'm a kinesthetic! I feel you! I really do..
10. Can I tell you anything? Are you my friend?
Ok so I guess I should say like the rappers, this is the realist shit I ever wrote! LOL.
Hope you enjoyed it, but as always if you didn't it doesn't really matter because It's MY World, Ya'll Just live In it! Hype it if you like it, Hate on it if you don't!
stacy, How in the Hell did you go from talking about Communication to what you want in a woman.. Stop using your blog to get panties! Holla! lol
ReplyDeleteLOL....Hey man...I was communicating! It's a recession! Gotta go to extreme measures! LOL