It's My World...Yall Just Live In It
My personal view of the world we live in through my eyes. My experiences, My views, MY World!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Food for Thought
As usual my blogs are a dump of information dying to get out of my head. It's not meant to win any gramatical awards as I do not proofread.
This one may piss a few people off, but hey...Shrugs.
Every day I wake up to a different article about why it's so hard for educated black women or men or whomever to find love. Sustainable love.
Well, I'm here to give answers.... actually my opinion, but that's what blogs are for right? Opinions!?
I tend to simplify things so I'll simplify it even more right now. Why do I feel It's so hard for sustained love in the black community? There's no Need!
Ok, I wanted the simplicity to seep in a bit before I elaborated on my thoughts. First thought is "sustained." Lust, infatuation, and wants are easy...but is it sustainable? I want to drill down on that thought...Sustainable. We all come from different walks of life. Some of us were brought up in a two-parent household, others were raised by one parent, some of us were raised by our grandparents and so on. This affects us in good as well as bad ways and in the end, a little favor is still needed! The favor to not only come in contact with what is beneficial but the favor enough to recognize it and they recognize you! A pretty tall task! Yes I know to all my highly religious and spiritual people, God will provide...Hallaluyer and Amen! But what if you read the wrong signals? This blog is to open the door that is already wide open! Please join!
As I stated earlier, we are all from various parts of life. If you are from a two-parent household it's quite possible that you would look for someone similar to one of your parents? yes no? If you grew up with your parents yelling, then you may think it's ok to yell at your mate? Yes No? You can run through your head the different scenarios, but a sustained need is key. Value, Need, desires, fulfillment even in the darkest times. Are your expectations too high for mere mortals? I mean we all have flaws.
Check it out. I read an article the other day about how black women were "dumbing down or settling for less to have a mate." What does that look like or even mean? Does that mean you are looking for less successful men? What happened to the guys you kicked to the curb on your way up the ladder? What happened to the guys that you skipped over because someone else was showing you interest? Insert a tear....
Has anyone ever wondered why there's never an article written about how hard it is for a man to find a woman? Men are wired differently. We have different struggles. And most men won't put their issues on front street.
Here's the thing, and this is for men and women. It is extremely difficult to find someone as you climb the success ladder whatever that looks like. We are to busy working, traveling, doing us, or getting older and don't wanna put up with the bullshhh. We've heard it all before right?
I think we've had it too easy. Nobody wants to work through anything. Everyone wants to rush as well. You've been alive for 30 or 40 years but you expect someone to marry you after 1 month, 4 months a year? Not saying it couldn't happen, but what are your odds on that being sustainable? Hell if you can't fart in front of me, then how are we supposed to be together, together? Now add in the fact that some people are on a timetable, then the fact that we have to understand who we are, and then damn it we just have to "Want to."
The more money we make the harder it is to find what we would consider as our equal. And even then, as a man, the booty is getting thrown at us! A successful man can look like a cross between Biggie and Lil Wayne and still have a baddie on his arm that will take care of him. I have to shake my own head at times, like wow. The fact is we think differently. Equality has made it to easy to find the next for each gender. Everyone is expendable. Sad but true. Don't believe me? Ask yourself this one question....That Ex that you thought you would spend the rest of your life with but are no longer with. Do you still think about them? If the answer is No, then you proved my point.
Anything that is worthwhile takes work. But before the work, it's a Choice on both parties involved to do the work! Stop thinking you're just going to be chosen by someone and fall into place!
Food for thought
Friday, September 8, 2017
Football is Life
You ever wonder why so many young men that play football are or become pastors? It used to amaze me at how religious someone could be after they just spent 3 hours trying to knock the piss out of their opponent. Puzzling actually. However, I don’t think it’s the act….It’s the journey
I’ve always stated that Football is a Journey. I’m not aware of a sport that teaches you how to work with men from a hundred different backgrounds. It’s also extremely difficult to push yourself to no end for one Friday night, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday.
Here’s my theory. Many football players across the nation come from nothing. Through hard work and determination and just “God given talent,” they pulled themselves out of the gutter. Sounds like everything most Holy words teach. Hard work. But why doesn’t it equate to everything? Football is life! It teaches you how to pick yourself up when you’re down. It teaches you that things don’t always go your way. For the most part, for me at least, It taught me that when your prayers are answered…that time when you’ve worked every inch of your mind and your body and things actually go your way, All you have to do is say thanks. However, when things don’t go your way….Understand that you can still work to make it better.
It took me about 35 years but I get it. Have faith…never stop working. Football may not be life for all, but it definitely teaches you things that cannot be taken away from you.
Friday, August 18, 2017
We were....We have been....Nah...#WEARELAWRENCE
We were....We have been....Nah....#WEARELAWRENCE
Most of yall will read the headline of this post and be completely turned off.'ll be ok "sweetie." I see it no different than someone reading m FB comments and form an opinion about me. The fact is I get most of my material from, well, "Y'all," So if you are mad at anyone, get mad at yourself or society. Y'all are my ghost writers as most of the things I post are from others mouths.
I'm actually going to take a little more time thinking through this blog because so many different angles and scenarios came to mind before I even started writing. How do I explain what I'm talking about? How do I get my point across? How? IDK but I'll try.
The fact is at some point in our lives, every guy has been a Lawrence at some point. You don't have to believe me. Just ask other guys. So how did we get here?
For all the people that have no idea who Lawrence is or have no clue what I'm talking about. Just close the blog...actually keep reading as you may pick up on a few things. Enough small talk, let's get to the point. In the show Insecure, Lawrence is the fictional character, that is in a long-term relationship but is currently down on his luck. You know the drill, trying to figure out life like many of regardless of gender experiences at some point or another. During this time, his relationship is severely strained because his Galpal and live in Ass is fed up with his lack of motivation and more than likely temporary depression. Point blank he's in a funk. Little to his knowledge, his GF is lusting for another guy as she is sick and tired of her man being sick and tired. Ok, pause here. If you have ever been any relationship in which you or the other person didn't need to lean on the other for support please let me know. Otherwise, why be in a relationship? We can all do bad by ourselves. Now, long story short, the GF is lusting for a guy as her man is down and out, opens up Pandora's box and kisses him and eventually has sex with dude after she recommitted her willingness to be "in this" with her current "crush."(notice I did not say, love. You fall in and out of love with people, IMO)
Relationships are enjoyable, but they do take a little work and understanding. If you've seen the show as I assume most have, you know the rest. My point of writing this blog is understanding how most men were....have been....Nah...#wearelawrence. The suspense is over so here I go. Women and men are set up way different mentally, physically, and simple societal norms are different. There are very few men that I know of that grew up being able to express their emotions about something that hurt them. You just "deal with it." No matter if it's losing a loved one or not growing up with a parent, and damn sure not relationship hurt. In the instance that we did, it was normally met with "suck it up," or "Fuck that bitch," or "pray on it." So, for the most part, you end up dealing with it however you can. In the case of Lawrence (i.e.most men), he assumed that he could work through any issues with his partner and everything would be good. After all, they were committed, right? Right! So let me explain something to you. When a man chooses to be in a relationship with a woman, normally he's looking at this lady differently than any other woman he's dealt with in the past. You are his friend, you are the person that he sees himself in, he may see you as the mother of his kids...He's your protector. So be careful with your words ladies because once that vision of you in his mind is broken....You're just another ain't shit b*&CH that he can take or leave. I'll give an example. Most of yall watch Game of Thrones. Imagine if you will, a knight standing in all his armor standing in attention when his woman walks up to him and he immediately takes off his frontal chest plate, exposing his heart, his emotions and everything for your taking. You two passionately embrace and during this time you pull out your knife and slowly insert it into his stomach. In disbelief, his eyes stare down at yours as he's thinking, "NO, not you, not the one I loved and opened my heart to." You smile as he crumbles to his knees, he grabs your ankles as you stand to just watch your work. Do you feel a slight sadness? Maybe? But you knew what you were doing from the start. At this point, he is too weak to hold onto you, so you walk away never expecting to be troubled again. At this time you quote every bible scripture and Iyanla Vanzant quote out there on how what you did was just, but you forgot to make sure he was dead. He wasn't. You lost the thing that assisted you in your time of need, the equally flawed individual that during your unknowingly to him "Hoe phase, " stood beside you until you realized he would always care for you and help you.
He's Alive....and conquest is his goal. Why you ask? Society tells you that "there's more where that one came from," "there's plenty of fish in the sea, " "fuck that b*itch." And they are all right. They are absolutely correct, but no one tells you to chill out for a minute the same as no one tells the woman not to jump from one relationship to the next. Lawrence finds out his flower, his pearl, his cherished lady betrayed him. His pain looks at him in the mirror each day. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, well HELL was built on the emotions of slanging angry reckless Ping and its consequences. We all know the phrase "hurt people, hurt people." More than likely she's not that into the person she's with and he's out here reckless as hell. It's not always the case, but many times yes.
Poor Lawrence! Poor ex GF! Poor Everyone! Is he a good guy? Nope, but is his GF a good woman? Hell Is anyone good? We are all quite flawed. Everyone! He seeks shelter from someone that gave him pep talks when he was down. The "support" that he was sure his now ex-was giving him. It was a great plan until he realized he couldn't deal with her more than physical. He was spending too much time, she was wanting more and he still hadn't dealt with his emotions from his now ex-gf stabbing him. He was caught off guard. When you are down you aren't always aware of your ways. You just know or assume that the person you chose will be in your corner will be there or at least let you know why they can no longer be there. They lived together for years. You learn quite a bit about people, but NEVER enough. My advice? Get over it Bruh, Man F'k that trick, You pray on it folk? I mean it's pretty good advice, right? Right? Am I Right?. We can do bad by ourselves, right? I know I can....I can do a lot of bad!
Friday, June 23, 2017
A Cautionary Tale
As usual, my first run always is terrible in punctuation and grammar. I'll edit in another day as these are my real thoughts. The picture above is an over head view of someone's heart.
When I was a kid, I used to wake up early in the morning and write. I'd have so many thoughts in my head that the only way I could get over or through anything was to write. So I did....
And here I am this am. I debated for weeks about this post, because it's probably the most personal of any post I've ever written. This is a cautionary tale of heartbreak and how it affects you. Sigh
I'll start my story on May 14th, at 9:32 pm. Why do I remember the exact date? Well because It was pretty significant. It changed my life. And little did I know it was the start of me marking dates and times of pain and/or suffering.
Sigh again, I was in love. Like really in love. When I was a kid, I just knew that I would go to college, play ball and find someone to spend my life with. I mean, after all, my parents were married at 19 and 21 respectively and they made it. Surely I could do the same. Or so I thought. Ok, back to the day, I and my prospective future had broken away and her new living situation was a little too close for comfort. What do I mean by to close? I mean right in front of me, and with another gentleman. So close that I could open my door and see inside. The thought of this haunts me to this day because you can only imagine what I heard or saw, and I did. I won't get into the details, but let's just say my heart was broken and in a moment of rage, all I could think of was breaking another heart. I was floored. No, I really thought I stopped breathing and something else took over my body. I was no longer the kid from the country, I was something, something unimaginable. I was dead. I saw it...I smelled it....I could actually taste it. Those that know me understand that I have a pretty high level of sensory, especially smell. Evil has an odor, once you smell it...You will always remember it!
Another time in my life I became crumbled sorta, kinda by choices. Choices I made, in essence, to avoid being hurt again, but also choices by a great person to stay quiet I have to be careful here as It's early in the morning per my usual and my thoughts are flowing like the waters of the ocean. Here I am again, looking at someone wishing I could be someone else's life and it felt good. Nope, It felt great. I was never really committal. Not because I didn't want to, but the circles are so small and I'm a VERY private person. I have Friends, acquaintances, and some folks I just kick it with when it's convenient. I didn't need everyone in knowing me or anything about me at that time. Obviously, that didn't fly over well. And it didn't! So fast forward, in life, we all can be on such different timeframes that it can really kill any relationship. We talked about a family once and I didn't feel ready at the time. I'm not backtracking now. I just wasn't! not that I didn't want one, I just didn't know what I could bring to the table and was scared to not feel prepared. I also didn't think we were ready at the time. Too much confusion the time surrounding us and that seemed idiotic at the time in my eyes. You can only guess what happens from here so I'll skip the details and say I was floored by the outcome. The predictable outcome didn't come immediately, but many years after. The same year that I lost one of my best friends, losing my dad, and leaving a job so that I could be more stable and actually start a family. Yup you heard right. I laugh now because I remember going home just to sleep and my niece, bless her heart, thought I was on drugs and was ready to do an intervention. I wasn't on any drugs....However, maybe I was? Yeah, I overdosed actually and wanted to tap out!
Life goes on and we all move forward and the blessing of it all makes me laugh uncontrollably at times. It became a joy in my life and I'm thankful for it in whatever capacity I get to enjoy them.
My last story is another cautionary tale of distrust, timing, and feeling like you can work anything out. I knew them for about 8 years. Went through a mountain of good and bad with them but for whatever reason, we always stayed connected. Heck, I even said 3 words to this person. The 3 words that you can never take back once you've said it and they shared the same sentiment. I remember the day I said that too, but I won't say the day. But I will say that the day after, the expression of those 3 words were broken. I really didn't know the extent of how at the time but I knew whatever happened at the time required extreme caution at the time. Many years later this person is back into my life and we decide to actually try us as an attempt never really happened. During this time one of her goals was to reveal her truths. One of them was, to be honest and that's what she did. The truth I'll focus on was what really happened years ago. Now I'd like to act like it didn't bother me, but it did. It bothered me to no end but I also wanted to push past it. We decided in the beginning 3 things. The first thing was that the only reason that we are trying is for permanent(marriage), two, that I need to believe your emotions. Basically, if you are happy then don't fake happiness and if you are sad then be sad. I shouldn't, we shouldn't have to guess if what I see is what you actually feel. The third, was a hum-dinger as I always tell my clients this. And I quote, "when something goes wrong or you are unhappy about something, please give me the benefit of the doubt and let's talk about it!" People act like nothing will ever go wrong and that's a complete lie. Life is about overcoming wrongs! I banked on this first conversation of wants. I banked on it!
I have visions. Visions that I don't understand at the time but I have visions. Intuition. As I type, I'm looking at the words "Shadow Box" on my wall. Means nothing to you, but it shows that the answer is always right in front of you if you pay attention. So back to my story. this person revealed their truth which I was thankful for but I was determined to stay the course. It was hard mentally as I'm like wow. Would I of even talked to them again years ago had I known? IDK. Probably a month passes and I had what I call a strong bad feeling as she asked me about someone she knew in the past asking her if it was ok to crash at the pad while he was in town. My intuition was at an all time high! Distrust seeped in and I was starting to show it. My first thought was why is this person even bringing this foolishness to me? You asking me about a guy wanting to crash that you had dealings with? Come on? Really? You really think I'd be ok with that? I shut down. I was listening but I shut down! The improbable nail in the coffin came a month later. I was already on edge and a picture popped up that I didn't really wanna see. Was it terrible? Not really, but I didn't need that vision in my life at the time as I was trying to push past a few things. I expressed displeasure but the picture stayed. Admittedly every emotion that I wanted to share was closed off. I wanted to say a lot but I couldn't. My guards wouldn't let me, and the guards to my heart are bigger than I am and way meaner! Fast forward and I was asked in probably the weirdest night of my life 2 things. One was about marriage and to be honest, I was still in my mind focused on that but Heck no I didn't know if I wanted to right then. We were still working ...and My plan was to continue working towards that goal. That was the last time I saw her. No seriously, I called, I text, emailed and even sent flowers. Nothing. A year later, I got a text that bugged the shit out of me and through that text I expressed everything that I had been holding back for a year. On deaf ears. I was pissed. I hated this person. All I wanted was a chance to explain last year. Who knew that I'd never get a chance to even see them again. And why are you willing to listen now? I hated them. I pushed past many things and I couldn't even get a conversation?
Writing helps me express myself as I'm not perfect. I have flaws. I have insecurities. I'm human. I was told once that I come across as nothing bothers me. I'm always surprised by those comments because that tells me you don't really know me and If you feel that way, there's a good reason you don't know me. I bleed, I laugh, I cry, I'm a real person! I tell these stories as a cautionary tale of how situations can kick you in the throat. We wake up and try again as we are hopeful. I am hopeful. I am ....well, Human!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Can be used as a verb (Jonesing) or a noun (a jones). Describes a state in which one experiences strong desire or attraction, often of a sexual nature. Equiv. "to fancy" "crushing on" "to want"
She's been jonesin him for months.
He's got a major jones for her.
He's got a major jones for her.
I put the definition of the word above to assist those that have never seen the movie or have no idea what I'm referring to going forward. Now that I've explained this, let's begin.
Love Jones...If any of you have ever seen this classic movie, you know that it is the epitome of how Love gets complicated. How insecurities, pride, and just F'n bad communication assist the struggles of life. Around minute fifty-three, Nina gets a call from her ex. Yes the one that she still has a feeling for but won't admit to it. In her efforts to make sure the new love interest is real, she and her girlfriend set up a "test." The test is to be upfront a mention visiting the ex and if the new interest plays too cool then she should continue with her plan to see her ex. Her new interest listens to her thoughts and figures if you are bringing it up then you must want to go. I can't hold you back from doing what you want to do. This question starts the avalanche that will soon follow.
I never really liked that F'n movie! However, that movie is so true in many ways. Far too often things are left open to interpretation, and we know interpretation is just another word for ASSUME....We made an ASS out of U and ME! From a male perspective, if you are bringing up another dude, that tells us that you are still interested in them. Major Red Flags! Women want to test you and see what your interest is in them before they make a decision. in essence, it's robbery, no, Highway Robbery of your emotions. It happens far too often. Then the blame game starts and the insecurities, jealousy, and lack of trust will soon follow. There's a saying that goes "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." However, what happens when your friend becomes your enemy? Mis-communication is the best way to turn a friend into your worst enemy. Why? Because you know them and they know you.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Acting like a Monkey usually attracts other Monkeys!!.................
As you marinate on that statement I'll say hello to those that actually read my blogs and yes I know it's been a while. To be honest, I didn't really like the attention even if ever so small that I was getting and decided to stop writing my blogs. However, This is also how I release my thoughts and just like anything creative, if you put it out for folks to see, you will get attention...I'm now at peace with that fact. Same format...probably extremely poor punctuation as I Throw up on the page my thoughts.
Not a day passes where I don't read some crap on the internet about how to attract a woman or a man or how to get more business etc. The fact is 90% of us have no problem finding/attracting a mate....the issues is keeping them around, or even being kept! In other words...Whether you choosing or being Chose....the Monkey Spit you do keeps you from being kept! And we've all done it! So before you start acting like this does not pertain to you, let me go ahead and say....YOSE a LIE!
I'll start with a simple example....Jameis Winston is a great Quarterback for the Florida State Seminoles, but the Dumb Spit that he gets involved in makes folks in the hood doubt his intelligence....In other words....He's doing dumb Spit! Not a football fan? Ok, many of you watch ratchet TV so I'll use the TV show Scandal as an example. Beautiful, successful Olivia Pope has two powerful white men literally trying to kill each in attempt to gain the love and affection of this woman. Some of yall see this as cute and wish you had someone to love and care for you in the same manner....Stop Thinking Dumb Monkey Spit! People really die over situations....I promise you men and ladies, if you put a significant other in a situation, you or someone you care for will get hurt or you may end up in a Ray Rice situation! Yep I said a problem with it, address it. Now that I've caught your attention I shall move on to what we really want to talk about.
As Grown folks, we must watch the way we carry ourselves in public as you never know who's watching, and EVERYONE is Paparazzi! Just a fact! We can sit around and say it ain't fair and that i'm going to do what I'm going to do, but be prepared to be labled as a Monkey! Don't believe me....let me name some monkeys that this time a year or two ago were cool folks...Bill Cosby, Ray Rice, Wendy Williams(terrible movie). You get what I'm saying!
We all go out and about and observe folks from the other sex....we look at how they carry themselves in public and we all judge! Don't believe me're kidding yourself. What do we do? Put folks in Dating category or just having a good time with category? We all know it, but we think for whatever reason that for some strange reason somebody will look past our extreme flirting, Lies, Craziness and want to be with them....Could it happen? Yes, does it happen, Yes....but your odds have decreased Drastically. If we want to genuinely be chosen, then we have to make that pathway to see who we really are, a bit easier...Transparency is what I call it. What kind of example are we showing others as to how we would be if we were with them, employed by them, or doing business with them? Stop Acting like a Monkey!
With all this being said, it's hella fun doing crazy spit, but if you want to be chose, Be mindful! I don't know who else is looking, but I know I see you out hollerin at every lady in the bar/club, Ladies I see you up in every dudes face making'em jealous, Young folks I see your Facebook videos telling all your business and cursing out some chick or dude that ticked you off. This service announcement is just a warning to stop doing Monkey Spit....At some point...We never know who's choosin!
With all this being said, it's hella fun doing crazy spit, but if you want to be chose, Be mindful! I don't know who else is looking, but I know I see you out hollerin at every lady in the bar/club, Ladies I see you up in every dudes face making'em jealous, Young folks I see your Facebook videos telling all your business and cursing out some chick or dude that ticked you off. This service announcement is just a warning to stop doing Monkey Spit....At some point...We never know who's choosin!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
It's My World...Yall Just Live in it.......The Representative!

Is it really necessary to have to act like a totally different person to see me? Do I have to talk in a different way when I'm around you to cover up my slang? Why is it that I have to tell you I'm a professional ball player for you to act like you're interested? Does the fact that I own a home or drive a Mercedes attract you more than my personality? Is it NOT possible to tell you the God's honest truth without you taking some passive aggressive stance?
DOES THIS FEEL LIKE QUESTIONS YOU'VE ASKED YOURSELF IN THE PAST? If so then is it really worth the trouble? In my opinion NOT AT ALL! What face do you wear? And why?
I've always had troubles in my dating/relationship life specifically in the fact that I never liked trying to be someone I wasn't! I'm not going to be all jiggy'd up every time I see you. I'm not going to act like I'm some balla and buy out the bar just to impress you! As a matter of fact...I'm a country boy! I like a home cooked meal(yes I can cook), I love being social, and different experiences excite me! Who are ya'll? Do you know? Are you ok with showing who you are and accepting the fact that you are not for everyone?
Ok so enough with all the questions, lets get down to the nitty gritty! Boy meets girl, girl thinks guy is "OK" on paper so she gives boy a chance. During this time boy is taking her to every movie that comes out, calling her each day and sending text messages every hour just say "hello." Not only that, but boy is even missing the Lakers/Bulls game on TV so he can take girl out to see the new Think Like a Man movie....which he really doesn't care to see! WTF boy asks...After all this stuff I've done why isn't she giving it up yet?
During this time, Lady dresses up in the most sensual and some what seductive clothes that she can find, makes sure she wears that smell good perfume that her ex-boyfriend loved so much because she knows the reaction she gets. Girl then proceeds to laugh at all of boys jokes during their interactions, and tries her best to seem like she's really interested in every story boy brings up! WTF, when will it stop? Girl asks? Damn he's shallow girl thinks! Doesn't he notice my hair? He hasn't even mentioned if he likes it or not!
My question to all this is why? I understand that it's great to look good, smell good or show someone your best qualities, but when does "The Representative" leave and the real YOU joins the party? Ya'll know what I mean, girl figures out that boy has an extremely potty mouth, boy finds out that girl smashed a couple of the homies, girl finds out that boy doesn't really own a Mercedes, but it's really his dads, boy finds out that girl spends more money on her weave then she does paying her rent!! All this Trickin off messes things up for the genuine folks! Guys, why do we constantly trust a big booty and a smile? Gals, why do you always get with Mr.Wrong?
This is one topic that I cannot speak for everyone else on, but I feel that everyone has asked themselves at one point or another....why? Folks used to ask me all the time why I was single, and the answer usually was because I wanted to be that way. Not so much that I wanted to be by myself, but because I wanted to be with someone that I felt I could share my life with(which is a difficult task for everyone). The thing that I value most is TIME and True Friendship. I personally don't feel like spending my time around folks that I don't want to be around and this still reigns true today! Conversation, Loyalty, great conversation are things that I value to it's fullest! What do ya'll value most? I think many folks go overboard spending time on things that their mates don't hold a high value towards. I know many folks use "acts of kindness" to show they care, others use words, and some buy things for their mates. However, do we know what really tickles the others fancy? Probably not! Have you asked your partner? Have you thought about it? You should!!
Whose time are you wasting? What Mask do you wear? Nothing is guaranteed!
Till next time! Enjoy!
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