My personal view of the world we live in through my eyes. My experiences, My views, MY World!
Monday, December 12, 2011
It's My World...Yall Just Live in it...So enjoy it while you have it!
"And I-, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
Every since I was a kid it seems like at times I would purposefully choose the harder path. Don't get me wrong I would of loved to of had success given to me, but that was never the case. I wasn't naturally a strong guy, playing sports and being good at it took some work, and I wasn't always the best student. With all that being said it's not like I started off terrible, but it did take a lot of work on my part to make many aspects of my life acceptable. The grind keeps me focused actually and I believe everything takes work. Not trying to make this blog into a relationship convo but I do believe that everything takes work. Furthermore I think I'm moreso drawn to things that take a little effort to achieve! In my eyes, though it may seem like the world is going to end at the moment, If you are passionate about it enough, you go after it and when you get it, you hold it tight. I always wanted to play football growing up but it took a lot of work to get to where that goal was attained. I am truly greatful for that experience. Many people in my opinion quit way before it's time. Not saying they are quitters, but I think that they fail to see past the bullshit that we all have to go through sometimes or we just want an easier path! Historically, I've chosen the road less traveled.
"Long I stood and looked down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth."
We all have to evaluate the good and the bad, pros and cons of every situation we are in before, during, and after to see if it's even worth it or if we should bail. Let's face it, life isn't always about how we play the game. Sometimes it's about wins and losses! I personally must admit that I loose multiple times each day in some capacity. Many times I wake up and want to quit or just lay in the bed but I have Goals. Tangible Goals that if I stay in the bed or don't push forward then I feel I'm one day behind in achieving those goals. One monkey don't stop no show...Even if the Monkey is the person in the mirror! I've been that monkey many times before.
"And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler'
Many times we analyze the situation more than we should. I've been known to go with a gut feeling on several occasions. If it feels right and there are no glaring issues I usually go with what I feel. Usually the people I'm around can't understand that, but that's because most of the people I hang around are quite analytical. I've learned to trust my instincts. Hey, It's gotten me this far!~
"Then took the other just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for the passing there had worn them really about the same."
Normally decisions have similar pros and cons but we all have to make decisions and live with them. Some bad and some good. It's called life. Remember I'm a multiple looser, but I wake up every day with a fresh slate to make that day a better day. My thoughts and feelings 10, 5, 3 years ago aren't the same as they are today and some are similar. Who is the same person however? If you stay the same you probably aren't doing much with yourself. My mom always reminds me how her and my pops had to work at their relationship over the years, but Love was what kept them together. I think that's what always stuck in my mind when dealing with any woman in my life. If at every moment they wanted to leave it was hard for me to mentally allow them back into my life. In the back of my mind Id always feel like it was only a matter of time before they left. Amazing how these reality shows always show how to find a man, or show various dating techniques, but none focus on KEEPING a relationship. Which in my opinion is the key!
"I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
I'm not ashamed to say that my thinking changed drastically after my father and one of my best friends died 2 months apart from each other. For the longest I was focused on the grind to be successful and when I slowed down my grind I realized how successful I was already! Also, within the last year or so I've had a few folks pop up that I haven't heard from in years tell me how I changed their lives. Was kinda shocking to hear! Furthermore, I spend the last 4 years traveling all the time for someone else! No More! My goals are to focus on my life first and uplifting those who surround it. I'm focused on making my family better. The one that I currently have, and the one that I hope to have one day.
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." This is the story that I will be sharing somewhere ages and ages hense.
Oh yeah...Enjoy!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
It's My World....Boyz will be Boyz!!
They say that Pimpin ain't easy, they also say that pain is just weakness leaving the body! Well the way I see it, Pimpin can put you in jail, broke, or in the hospital, and many times pain is nothing more than that....PAIN! As a guy, we are taught as a kid to handle physical pain! I can remember as a kid if I fell off my bike I could hear my father now...."Boy...Stop that crying!" Or if someone in your neighborhood lost a fight and started to cry...We would still be talking about how much of a bitch you were back then.
Now before I get into the nitty gritty of what I'm talking about today I want to once again state the fact that I am no expert! The things I talk about in my blogs are my experiences...In my world...That ya'll just happen to live in! Some of these stories may resemble something you have been though personally, but I assure you that you are not the only one, otherwise the topic would not of made my blog. In actuality, my blogs are written from a onslaught of thoughts and viewpoints shared about the same thing in a short amount of time.
OK, where was I? Oh yeah, PAIN! As little boyz we are conditioned to deal with physical pain! Break your leg...don't cry! Loose a tooth in a bad fall or a fight...dang, he's a little soldier! You choke on a bone and pass out from loss of air! Dang isn't he a tough little rascal. However, How do we react when we loose a loved one in death, or in a relationship?? Let's explore the latter!
There are 2 types of guys...One that is into you, and one that Could really care less about you! Point Blank! Now being "into you," doesn't necessarily mean he is ready to marry you, or mean that they want you to be the mother of their children(doesn't mean they aren't either)! What it does mean is that if you take away the physical, they truly like you as a person first and foremost! It means they enjoy hanging around you, being in your presence and even more they have no issue with folks seeing you two together in public! Myself included, I can think of only a handful of women that I have been truly into. They made a movie about this actually, "He's not that into you." I haven't seen it but I'm sure it's interesting! We know the story of a guy not being into you, but what happens when he is very into you and things take a turn for the worst? Many of yall probably see where I'm going with this and may think I'm talking about your situation? Nope...You are not the only one! But I am talking about Guys, Men, Boyz! Ladies!? How many times have you seen were a guy gets out of a relationship with a woman that he was "into"(not by his choice) and the very next woman he meets she becomes wifey? Why is that? I'll tell you why? Many men have what I call Poor DIk Control! Now for you analytical folks...Dik Control isn't what you think it is! Dik control in this definition is basically Males having no control over their own emotions...and since Men have Penis' I refer to it as Poor Dik Control! Got it? Good!
Dik Control stems from childhood as I discussed earlier. The guy knows how to handle physical pain(or be a man as they say), however he struggles to handle emotional pain or non-physical emotional situations! Now I'm not saying that he doesn't know how to express his emotions, I'm saying he can't control them! Example: I feel 100% that the majority of dudes would love to have a good woman by their side whether in a committed relationship or in marriage. HOWEVER, Your boyz Jagged Edge Screwed things up years ago with their song on Marriage! One verse even says "we ain't getting no younger we might as well do it." OK so is that why you want to marry someone? Cuz you not getting any younger...I call it Poor Dik Control. Another example: Guy is into girl, girl breaks up with guy, and guy is hurt. Guy can't handle the loss of the girl he was so into. Guy finds out she has a new boo within a few weeks or months after the break up. Guy sends constant emails, texts, and calls to try and get her back with no progression so guy goes out and gets married to the next woman he meets... I call that poor dik control. One last example. Guy is with girl, that he is "into" of course, girl convinces the guy to stop hanging out with his friends because she doesn't like them....I call that Poor Dik Control! Are you getting the Idea of what I'm saying yet? Let's dive in further! There are tons of examples that I could give on poor dik control but I'm sure ya'll can think of some yourself. Every guy experiences a lack of dik control at one point of time! Just like anything else, somethings you just have to experience before you truly understand how to handle situations. Heck, many of us have never been taught proper Dik Control Management, as a high percentage of black males did not grow up with a father, who in my opinion had poor dik control. When you first start dating, my pops and I'm certain other fathers probably told their sons this quote or something similar..."Do NOT start doing something with a young woman that you don't plan on continuing!" This was my first lesson in proper Dik Control Management! Basically he was telling me to be respectful but not to start something (opening car doors, Holding the door open, always driving, always paying for meals, etc) that you don't plan on continuing! If you do, you are building an expectation that you will get burned by in the long run. Be real, be genuine, and believe in who you are and your values! Be willing to compromise but do not change who you are! Find someone that complements you and does not bring you down! And last, make sure she has respect for herself...because without that...she will NEVER RESPECT YOU! Nice guys don't always finish last, but a stupid one always will!
I'll leave you with a prayer that I got from one of my homies...I cannot change the past, but grant me the courage and the wisdom, and the understanding to focus on my future and my today!
Take care ya'll...hope you enjoy!
Oh and PS: Jagged Edge Song!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Long, Short, Out, Or HOLD....Investing 101
Investments are risky. They don't provide fixed returns and past performance doesn't guarantee future results. All investments entail the risk of great and sudden financial loss. Returns vary and you may have a gain or loss when you sell your securities.
No assurance is given that anything described here will be successful.
I'm sure most of yall are thinking I this blog was about the stock market? Some of you maybe even thought that I was going to give a few stock market tips....Well you're all right! Investing 101...Long, Short, Out....Or Hold!
When I was in College one of my best friends used to tell me that I looked at women like the stock market. Unapologetic at the time, I disagreed, however the older I get, the more I wonder if there is some validity in her statement.
Long(Buy), Short(sell), Out, or Hold! These are the questions I ask myself each day when I trade, and furthermore I must admit that I ask this same question each time I meet a young lady(or old woman)...Yall know I have to keep it lighthearted). Now before I start I know there could be a few women out there that reads this blog and have opinions that I sound sexist. My response is...I don't screw guys so when you get a blog you can voice your own opinion. Now...Back to the regularly scheduled program. Let me explain the dynamics of what I mean with the terms Long, Short, Out, or Hold. As most of you already know, guys are attracted to physical beauty first and foremost. I am no different! The moment myself and most men meet a woman that they deem as physically attractive the "BUY" sign comes out, or UP if you know what I mean! Obviously there are other factors in these definitions I'm giving but I think most of yall understand the base of what I'm trying to say. The next Market tip is "Short." Shorting the market usually happens when you don't see things going up but starting to go down. For those that don't know you can make money when the market goes down. A short could be someone that you see as attractive but she's just now what you want. She's to wild for you, She a lil to ghetto(yup I said it), you don't trust her, the homies used to run thru her, all these factors make you want to short the market. How do you make money you ask? Well, the answer is that she's good in bed so you keep her around till the market changes.(Ladies do it too). The issue with shorting the market is that it can come up and bite you when the market turns positive. The same for life! The next definition is self Explanatory. "OUT"!! Basically nothing you see or hear is worth taking the chance on! In life terms, She could be physically attractive(most of the time she's not), but she is Crazy, just plain trouble! Hopefully you find this out sooner rather than later! The last definition I have for my daily market plan is "HOLD." Hold is exactly what you think the definition is...HOLD! However, just like the trading the market, Very Few stocks are a true long term hold where you go through all the ups and downs and market crashes and recovery's and 52 week highs and Historic lows and then after years of Holding this stock you look up at your statement and say WOW...This stock has been good to me! I can't let go. I won't let go...It continually makes me money! Some folks think they have a great stock to "Hold" and it turns out to be a dud! Why is that? Lets explore
One of the key factors in trading is EMOTIONS! Emotions will get you in trouble each and every time! Humans are habitual creatures by does the market. In other words, if you can slightly take a bit of your emotions out of thing and find our the market patters you will be on the right side of the market more times then you will be on the wrong. NOTICE I DID NOT SAY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE RIGHT! NOR did I say to completely kill your emotions! I said slightly take a bit of your emotions out of your thinking. Each day I start with the facts...What do I see, what are you doing, and what have you done. From there I can look at my trades from an open eye and know exactly when to go Long, Short, or Out. Holding rarely happens so I didn't mention that point on purpose. In reference to people...everyone has a pattern, what is it? Everyone has history, What is it? Everyone you meet you can ask the question to yourself...Long, Short, Out...or Hold...There are no guarantees of being right....You may miss an opportunity for being wrong, but the game is to be on the right side of the market more then you are on the wrong.
Oh and P.S...Chart and document all your trades. It helps you figure out what you did right and what you did wrong and what you did right.
I'll leave yall with a traders quote that we say each day. "Trade hard, Trade smart, and always end the day being able to trade tomorrow!"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
If I grew up Muslim would you like me? If my family were Buddhist priests would you hang with me? If I was adopted by a family of Scientologists would you allow me into your home?? Or would you just pray for me? Pray that I find and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior? The fact is I would probably be praying for you as well!!
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs lists Self-Actualization as the Number 1 need that all mankind seeks! And I believe this to be true. Where there's life we are all searching for that feeling of being...Of oneness! When I was a kid I used to love the movie "The Last Dragon." For those that don't remember or have never even seen the movie, the main character spends most of the movie searching for "THE MASTER"! For most of the movie he goes on what I would call a wild goose chase, and after having to take a lot of crap from outsiders as well as his own family, he finally finds that the "The Master," lies within himself! This movie came out in 1985. I was 10 years old and it meant so much to me. Still love it to this day! There were days even before this movie I would sit outside on our trampoline and watch the wind blowing the trees. I felt at one with life! Almost like I was apart of it...Which we all are! Everything moved as one and I,...was apart of that one!
If any of you have ever been in a competitive situation like sports, debates, hell a job, or anything else, someone has probably at least mentioned to you that 99% of success is Mental! You have to believe in who? Yourself! Just like in "The Last Dragon," we all have had people put us down us from family members to other random folks. We've had Girlfriends or boyfriends ditch us for whatever reason, and jobs fire us or lay us off for only God knows why. In the end, if we don't believe in ourselves who can you believe in? If you don't have true Faith that God, Allah, Buddha or whomever is watching over you and will lead you to your Path of Enlightenment then who will? I was told that Success is when Preparation meets opportunity and they both Shake hands! So basically we all have to PREPARE ourselves for that golden opportunity! What opportunity you ask? Why you asking that? It's your world too! As an athlete you train for that one track meet, swim event, football game etc. In our careers we prepare for that big presentation, inspection, or Interview. In Relationships.....well...this isn't a relationship blog so I'll let ya'll figure that one out! Basically we all want certain things in life...but are we Prepared to receive it when it's given to us or crosses our path. Many times the answer is NO!
The Old Testament describes the Devil(Satan) as a fallen angel that instigates tests upon humankind! All religions point to a higher power and some form of the opposite of good. Many forms of religion point to the Devil(Satan) as a Metaphor for Free Will. Basically saying we Screw ourselves! Overall the devil is anything that is in opposition of God's will. The problem lies in that very last statement, The opposition of God's will. God's Will is interpreted differently by many people. I had a conversation a couple days ago about how Mankind has misinterpreted many religious doctrine. In my conversation, I mentioned how the 10 commandments says outright...Thou Shall not Kill! I was told that it says Thou Shall not murder....Blank stare! Ok we are splitting hairs here, but my point is what is considered killing? We have religious fights over abortion every day! Isn't that Killing? And what about all the religious Wars that went on 100's of years ago and are still going on now? People used to kill in the name of the Lord. HMMMM....Doesn't the 10 commandments say Thou shall not kill? Ok...Kill what? What shouldn't you kill? I am from the country and I've killed my fair share of fish, Rabbits...etc...I think you get my point. The 10 Commandments also says to "remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." This doesn't say you must come to XYZ Church each Sunday and listen to the minister preach his interpretation of the WORD of GOD! It also doesn't say that I should hang on to every word the minister says or believe in them to be anything other than the teachings of a which we are all flawed and are sinners(I had a minister once who was found to be a snake and a drug user). Nor does it say I need to go to church every Sunday so I should look down on others. I think that's covered in the 10 commandments too...stop judging! The point I'm making is like my mom told me a couple days ago, that many religious folks are the most hypocritical. Number One on the list of commandments is "Thou shall not have other Gods before me." Buddhism was born almost 600 years BC...That's Before Christ for those that don't know what that means. Now before ya'll go crazy as some folks do, they also believe in God. However, God to them is within us. Point I'm trying to make is if we are all made in the vision of GOD. Each of us has a piece of God within us! Find it! If you don't choose to live your life, you truly haven't lived a life!
About a month ago I went to church for the first time since one of my best friends died and I must say I really felt the message spoke directly to me. The message was from the Book of Job. It talked about how He was one of the Lords most Humble servants. The devil wanted to test someone and the Lord offered Job to be tested. During this test, Job Lost it all! His wife left him, he lost his home, he lost all his riches, but he kept his faith! When it seemed as all Hope was lost, Job kept believing that there would be better days, and you know what...BETTER DAYS CAME! And not only came but it came double what he had. Job lived his LIFE with HOPE, FAITH, ENLIGHTENMENT...And the DEVIL! During the sermon they stressed how Job believed, and kept pushing to do the right thing and he prayed! He didn't have to pray in church every day or with a group! He could pray in a Barn, out in the fields, in the streets, But he prayed! He was Prepared! And when opportunity came Job was ready!
I can't sit here and say everyone should believe what I believe...nor do I care really, but I do know that my community of friends are some of the best ever. They say you should keep folks around you to keep your belief system strong. When I attended church I realized that I already do without even knowing it. That day one of my old college buddies was being baptized, many of my friends were there that day, and a whole slew of them attend other churches. My other friends choose to pray all by themselves! And that's OK with me. The others that don't are good with me as well no matter what religion or non religion. I truly feel blessed to be me! I thank God each day for giving my breath to breathe. My God...the one that lives inside of me, always has and always will.
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