Is it really necessary to have to act like a totally different person to see me? Do I have to talk in a different way when I'm around you to cover up my slang? Why is it that I have to tell you I'm a professional ball player for you to act like you're interested? Does the fact that I own a home or drive a Mercedes attract you more than my personality? Is it NOT possible to tell you the God's honest truth without you taking some passive aggressive stance?
DOES THIS FEEL LIKE QUESTIONS YOU'VE ASKED YOURSELF IN THE PAST? If so then is it really worth the trouble? In my opinion NOT AT ALL! What face do you wear? And why?
I've always had troubles in my dating/relationship life specifically in the fact that I never liked trying to be someone I wasn't! I'm not going to be all jiggy'd up every time I see you. I'm not going to act like I'm some balla and buy out the bar just to impress you! As a matter of fact...I'm a country boy! I like a home cooked meal(yes I can cook), I love being social, and different experiences excite me! Who are ya'll? Do you know? Are you ok with showing who you are and accepting the fact that you are not for everyone?
Ok so enough with all the questions, lets get down to the nitty gritty! Boy meets girl, girl thinks guy is "OK" on paper so she gives boy a chance. During this time boy is taking her to every movie that comes out, calling her each day and sending text messages every hour just say "hello." Not only that, but boy is even missing the Lakers/Bulls game on TV so he can take girl out to see the new Think Like a Man movie....which he really doesn't care to see! WTF boy asks...After all this stuff I've done why isn't she giving it up yet?
During this time, Lady dresses up in the most sensual and some what seductive clothes that she can find, makes sure she wears that smell good perfume that her ex-boyfriend loved so much because she knows the reaction she gets. Girl then proceeds to laugh at all of boys jokes during their interactions, and tries her best to seem like she's really interested in every story boy brings up! WTF, when will it stop? Girl asks? Damn he's shallow girl thinks! Doesn't he notice my hair? He hasn't even mentioned if he likes it or not!
My question to all this is why? I understand that it's great to look good, smell good or show someone your best qualities, but when does "The Representative" leave and the real YOU joins the party? Ya'll know what I mean, girl figures out that boy has an extremely potty mouth, boy finds out that girl smashed a couple of the homies, girl finds out that boy doesn't really own a Mercedes, but it's really his dads, boy finds out that girl spends more money on her weave then she does paying her rent!! All this Trickin off messes things up for the genuine folks! Guys, why do we constantly trust a big booty and a smile? Gals, why do you always get with Mr.Wrong?
This is one topic that I cannot speak for everyone else on, but I feel that everyone has asked themselves at one point or another....why? Folks used to ask me all the time why I was single, and the answer usually was because I wanted to be that way. Not so much that I wanted to be by myself, but because I wanted to be with someone that I felt I could share my life with(which is a difficult task for everyone). The thing that I value most is TIME and True Friendship. I personally don't feel like spending my time around folks that I don't want to be around and this still reigns true today! Conversation, Loyalty, great conversation are things that I value to it's fullest! What do ya'll value most? I think many folks go overboard spending time on things that their mates don't hold a high value towards. I know many folks use "acts of kindness" to show they care, others use words, and some buy things for their mates. However, do we know what really tickles the others fancy? Probably not! Have you asked your partner? Have you thought about it? You should!!
Whose time are you wasting? What Mask do you wear? Nothing is guaranteed!
Till next time! Enjoy!