They say that Pimpin ain't easy, they also say that pain is just weakness leaving the body! Well the way I see it, Pimpin can put you in jail, broke, or in the hospital, and many times pain is nothing more than that....PAIN! As a guy, we are taught as a kid to handle physical pain! I can remember as a kid if I fell off my bike I could hear my father now...."Boy...Stop that crying!" Or if someone in your neighborhood lost a fight and started to cry...We would still be talking about how much of a bitch you were back then.
Now before I get into the nitty gritty of what I'm talking about today I want to once again state the fact that I am no expert! The things I talk about in my blogs are my experiences...In my world...That ya'll just happen to live in! Some of these stories may resemble something you have been though personally, but I assure you that you are not the only one, otherwise the topic would not of made my blog. In actuality, my blogs are written from a onslaught of thoughts and viewpoints shared about the same thing in a short amount of time.
OK, where was I? Oh yeah, PAIN! As little boyz we are conditioned to deal with physical pain! Break your leg...don't cry! Loose a tooth in a bad fall or a fight...dang, he's a little soldier! You choke on a bone and pass out from loss of air! Dang isn't he a tough little rascal. However, How do we react when we loose a loved one in death, or in a relationship?? Let's explore the latter!
There are 2 types of guys...One that is into you, and one that Could really care less about you! Point Blank! Now being "into you," doesn't necessarily mean he is ready to marry you, or mean that they want you to be the mother of their children(doesn't mean they aren't either)! What it does mean is that if you take away the physical, they truly like you as a person first and foremost! It means they enjoy hanging around you, being in your presence and even more they have no issue with folks seeing you two together in public! Myself included, I can think of only a handful of women that I have been truly into. They made a movie about this actually, "He's not that into you." I haven't seen it but I'm sure it's interesting! We know the story of a guy not being into you, but what happens when he is very into you and things take a turn for the worst? Many of yall probably see where I'm going with this and may think I'm talking about your situation? Nope...You are not the only one! But I am talking about Guys, Men, Boyz! Ladies!? How many times have you seen were a guy gets out of a relationship with a woman that he was "into"(not by his choice) and the very next woman he meets she becomes wifey? Why is that? I'll tell you why? Many men have what I call Poor DIk Control! Now for you analytical folks...Dik Control isn't what you think it is! Dik control in this definition is basically Males having no control over their own emotions...and since Men have Penis' I refer to it as Poor Dik Control! Got it? Good!
Dik Control stems from childhood as I discussed earlier. The guy knows how to handle physical pain(or be a man as they say), however he struggles to handle emotional pain or non-physical emotional situations! Now I'm not saying that he doesn't know how to express his emotions, I'm saying he can't control them! Example: I feel 100% that the majority of dudes would love to have a good woman by their side whether in a committed relationship or in marriage. HOWEVER, Your boyz Jagged Edge Screwed things up years ago with their song on Marriage! One verse even says "we ain't getting no younger we might as well do it." OK so is that why you want to marry someone? Cuz you not getting any younger...I call it Poor Dik Control. Another example: Guy is into girl, girl breaks up with guy, and guy is hurt. Guy can't handle the loss of the girl he was so into. Guy finds out she has a new boo within a few weeks or months after the break up. Guy sends constant emails, texts, and calls to try and get her back with no progression so guy goes out and gets married to the next woman he meets... I call that poor dik control. One last example. Guy is with girl, that he is "into" of course, girl convinces the guy to stop hanging out with his friends because she doesn't like them....I call that Poor Dik Control! Are you getting the Idea of what I'm saying yet? Let's dive in further! There are tons of examples that I could give on poor dik control but I'm sure ya'll can think of some yourself. Every guy experiences a lack of dik control at one point of time! Just like anything else, somethings you just have to experience before you truly understand how to handle situations. Heck, many of us have never been taught proper Dik Control Management, as a high percentage of black males did not grow up with a father, who in my opinion had poor dik control. When you first start dating, my pops and I'm certain other fathers probably told their sons this quote or something similar..."Do NOT start doing something with a young woman that you don't plan on continuing!" This was my first lesson in proper Dik Control Management! Basically he was telling me to be respectful but not to start something (opening car doors, Holding the door open, always driving, always paying for meals, etc) that you don't plan on continuing! If you do, you are building an expectation that you will get burned by in the long run. Be real, be genuine, and believe in who you are and your values! Be willing to compromise but do not change who you are! Find someone that complements you and does not bring you down! And last, make sure she has respect for herself...because without that...she will NEVER RESPECT YOU! Nice guys don't always finish last, but a stupid one always will!
I'll leave you with a prayer that I got from one of my homies...I cannot change the past, but grant me the courage and the wisdom, and the understanding to focus on my future and my today!
Take care ya'll...hope you enjoy!
Oh and PS: Jagged Edge Song!