"And I-, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
Every since I was a kid it seems like at times I would purposefully choose the harder path. Don't get me wrong I would of loved to of had success given to me, but that was never the case. I wasn't naturally a strong guy, playing sports and being good at it took some work, and I wasn't always the best student. With all that being said it's not like I started off terrible, but it did take a lot of work on my part to make many aspects of my life acceptable. The grind keeps me focused actually and I believe everything takes work. Not trying to make this blog into a relationship convo but I do believe that everything takes work. Furthermore I think I'm moreso drawn to things that take a little effort to achieve! In my eyes, though it may seem like the world is going to end at the moment, If you are passionate about it enough, you go after it and when you get it, you hold it tight. I always wanted to play football growing up but it took a lot of work to get to where that goal was attained. I am truly greatful for that experience. Many people in my opinion quit way before it's time. Not saying they are quitters, but I think that they fail to see past the bullshit that we all have to go through sometimes or we just want an easier path! Historically, I've chosen the road less traveled.
"Long I stood and looked down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth."
We all have to evaluate the good and the bad, pros and cons of every situation we are in before, during, and after to see if it's even worth it or if we should bail. Let's face it, life isn't always about how we play the game. Sometimes it's about wins and losses! I personally must admit that I loose multiple times each day in some capacity. Many times I wake up and want to quit or just lay in the bed but I have Goals. Tangible Goals that if I stay in the bed or don't push forward then I feel I'm one day behind in achieving those goals. One monkey don't stop no show...Even if the Monkey is the person in the mirror! I've been that monkey many times before.
"And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler'
Many times we analyze the situation more than we should. I've been known to go with a gut feeling on several occasions. If it feels right and there are no glaring issues I usually go with what I feel. Usually the people I'm around can't understand that, but that's because most of the people I hang around are quite analytical. I've learned to trust my instincts. Hey, It's gotten me this far!~
"Then took the other just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for the passing there had worn them really about the same."
Normally decisions have similar pros and cons but we all have to make decisions and live with them. Some bad and some good. It's called life. Remember I'm a multiple looser, but I wake up every day with a fresh slate to make that day a better day. My thoughts and feelings 10, 5, 3 years ago aren't the same as they are today and some are similar. Who is the same person however? If you stay the same you probably aren't doing much with yourself. My mom always reminds me how her and my pops had to work at their relationship over the years, but Love was what kept them together. I think that's what always stuck in my mind when dealing with any woman in my life. If at every moment they wanted to leave it was hard for me to mentally allow them back into my life. In the back of my mind Id always feel like it was only a matter of time before they left. Amazing how these reality shows always show how to find a man, or show various dating techniques, but none focus on KEEPING a relationship. Which in my opinion is the key!
"I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
I'm not ashamed to say that my thinking changed drastically after my father and one of my best friends died 2 months apart from each other. For the longest I was focused on the grind to be successful and when I slowed down my grind I realized how successful I was already! Also, within the last year or so I've had a few folks pop up that I haven't heard from in years tell me how I changed their lives. Was kinda shocking to hear! Furthermore, I spend the last 4 years traveling all the time for someone else! No More! My goals are to focus on my life first and uplifting those who surround it. I'm focused on making my family better. The one that I currently have, and the one that I hope to have one day.
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." This is the story that I will be sharing somewhere ages and ages hense.
Oh yeah...Enjoy!