Ok I'm starting off by letting ya'll know I have to be inspired to write. I had a blog that I wrote before this blog but I didn't think it was high quality so I decided to wait. So all of ya'll that always ask when am I writing my next blog and what will it be about...Hear ya go! Many times when I start writing, I have all these thoughts in my head about what to say and when I start my blog, the words sound nothing like my thoughts! Today is nothing different then the other blogs in relation to my previous sentence.
I will get into this blog quickly because I don't like for these to be over a certain length because folks don't like to read! However I am ALARMED y'all! ALARMED I tell ya! And here's why! Last week one of my friends posted an article from the Washington Post. I'll share with ya'll...
This article made me laugh hysterically! And when one of my friends posted it on Facebook I had to laugh at some of the comments! Furthermore, when the Male response was posted
http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/how-helena-andrews-and-every-other-single-successful-and-lonely-black-woman-can-improve-her-luck/, there was silence on the WEB! LOL with a double "O"!! Just copy and paste the link to your browser if you haven't read the articles!
Now I'm about to discuss these articles, but don't expect me to drop game like Steve Harvey or have Transgressions over what I said like Tiger Woods!(Had to slide that in). OK. Hopefully by now you have read the articles(and video). If not...read them first! NOW let me say this...NOTHING WORTHWHILE IS EASY! And if "Bitch is the new Black," like Ms.Helena Andrews says...I'll gladly pass! As many black men have! So what I would like to do is share my views of "The Pursuit of Happiness(AKA Black Love)." I'm trying my best not to always have similar topics but ya'll be killin me! UGH! OK Here we go! The lady Helena Andrews in my eyes is really confused! Then when I read the comments made from her article I figured out there are a lot of confused people!
After reading Ms. Andrews Article and the comments folks posted I realized something. Some of ya'll just don't get it! All she talks about in this article is how she has this and has that yet there's no one there for her! Hmmm...lets dissect it. During the entire Article she wrambles on about is how she's educated, how she has a good job, or how she can afford to go out to this restaurant or buy stuff at whatever store! Basically she gives her "Resume'" for the entire article! So as a black man..Cough Cough...Successful black man that can do all those things and more...I say to you an astounding...
WHO GIVES A FUCK! Her approach or thoughts to "dating" are like you going to a job interview and you puking to the person interviewing with everything that you can do! How about trying to have a personality and being fun to work with! That's the key! We already know what your accomplishments are otherwise you wouldn't be sitting in front of me! I'm tired of women feeling like they are entitled to shit just because they have whatever when all you have is a single spaced resume on some pretty paper!! Holla Bitch! Ok Ok Ya'll...i'ma stop right there on the article and let ya'll judge for yourself. What I want to do is without droppin game let some of ya'll know why men...Scratch that...
People can be wishy washy in having a relationship or getting married. So not in any particular order...here's the list!
1. You'se a HO! Not like Santa Clause, but in the Tiger Woods transgressions sense of the word. Being a Ho is a love/hate relationship! I mean everyone can use a good handy Ho, but who wants to marry them?? But some do and some will!
2. I'm a HO! Hell...I just ain't ready to stop fucking everyone just yet or ever will. Nuff said!!
3. I'm to career focused! Hmmmm...this really hits home for a lot of professionals because our lives doesn't allow someone enough time to really have a steady relationship. As soon as we get to know someone we are off again to make that cheese. When the mice are away the dog/cats DO Play!~
4. You don't seem like you really down for me! Watch the Movie Avitar and you will see a 10 foot Pandorian lady that is truly down for her man! Vice Versa as well.
5. You are a FUKIN LAME! Can't take yo ass no where! You can't hang with my friends, you clam up at events. You are Boring. You talk like you have a learning disability. You are not versatile or balanced enough to hang in a professional event one night and then chill with the homies the next. You can't relate to anything I say or do. You are not really understanding to anything...but the sex is good so I stay...which brings me to the next bullet point.
6. YOU ARE TERRIBLE IN BED! No offense but Men fake it just as much as women...Nuff said!
7. YOU smashed the Homie/Homegirl! Some folks don't care but you have to realize. The guy or girl has probably told them all about how it went down...so carry on with your own discretion. It could be a minor detail to move past, but if you still be kickin it with that person you smashed...as the song say..Muthafuk me NO Mutha fuk YOOOUUUU!
8. You are to Moody. One day we cool and the next day I'm a F'in Azzhole! Too much to handle!
9. I hate your Damn Friends! This is touchy because this can be a tangled web! There's always a couple friends folks might not like but overall if your friends suck...OUCH...may be a tough road to drive.
10. Your Parents don't like Her/him. If my momma says youse a lame! It's over..by by! HOLLA BITCH!!
NEW ADDENDUM!! 11. You are terrible with your finances!
Hope to hear many comments from this blog but as you know by now, whether you hype it or hatin on what I have to say, It really doesn't matter. So in case you don't remember, "It's MY World...Ya'll Just Live In IT."
Happy Holidays to all of Ya'll!!